APREN and Deloitte presents study on the impact of renewables

APREN and Deloitte presented on September 17 the study “Impact of electricity from renewable sources”, developed in 2019 by Deloitte. The launching event took place at SANA Lisboa Hotel.
The study presents data on the impact of electricity from renewable sources in Portugal between 2014 and 2018, on the electricity system, economy, society and environment. It also provides projections of this impact by 2030, in the context of the energy policy and objectives set by the country for that period, under the National Energy and Climate Plan.
For the preparation of the study, information was gathered from the main national and international bodies responsible for defining the policies and regulation of the energy sector (in particular electricity and renewable energy), as well as companies operating in the renewable energy sector in Portugal.
To consult the program of the event, click here (in Portuguese).
To see the full study, click here.
For a summary brochure, click here.