
Training on civil engineering skills in the execution of nZEB buildings
LNEG is promoting the online training "Skills for Civil Engineering Specialists in the Execution of nZEB Buildings", which will take place from July 16 to 18, from 9 am to 1 pm, through the Teams platform.
In my backyard
In my backyard, in an ideal world, there would be oranges all year round. There isn't. However, in my backyard there is electricity day and night.
Government defines guidelines to create Citizen Energy Spaces
One of the milestones associated with the fifth payment request of the RRP, which has 42 associated reforms, has been fulfilled.
Renewables were the main source of electricity in the EU in 2023
Portugal was the country that most reduced domestic consumption of natural gas last year, by 20.8%, according to Eurostat data.
Guarantees of origin for renewable gases: Joining the European system by the end of the year
The formal adhesion to the European Guarantees of Origin (GOs) mechanism for renewable gases, which allows their import and export in Europe, will be completed by the end of 2024, the EEGO team said.
Floating solar and onshore wind
Hybrid projects attract millions of euros in new investment in renewables.
The difficult road to decarbonization
There are industries that, due to the inherent nature of the business, have more difficulties in achieving the goal.
Future energy wars will be fought at the bottom of the sea
NATO-L submarine cable will connect Europe and the US.
Energy Producers Aren't Abandoning Fossil Fuels Fast Enough
The transition plans of five major European electricity producers envisage significant investments in renewables, but not to cut fossil fuels fast enough, a collective of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) lamented today.
ERSE - public consultation 122
General Conditions for Access to the Network with Restrictions by Producers and Autonomous Storage.