
A place in the sun: chronicle of a 'game changer' announced
Solar energy will put the national electricity system to the test in several ways. Are we ready for this challenge?
Observatory will monitor the eradication of energy poverty by 2050
A team has been set up to ensure the rights of the population in access to energy and will dedicate itself to building measures in that sense.
Energy: what do the parties propose?
Get to know the parties' programme with regard to the energy sector.
Portugal on track to achieve energy transition
The country needs to develop transmission and distribution networks, mobilise investment, unblock bureaucracy around renewable energy.
EU bets on green hydrogen to reduce CO2 emissions from heavy industry
The EU wants to produce 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen and import an additional 10 million tonnes by 2030. 
Growth of "green" energy limited the increase in CO2 emissions in 2023
The continuous expansion of photovoltaic solar energy, wind energy, electric cars and nuclear energy has contributed to the avoidance of fossil fuel consumption.
Good winds push electricity to an unprecedented series of low prices: will they reach the "electricity bill" of families?
In recent weeks, high wind production in Portugal and Spain has driven down wholesale electricity prices and led the Iberian market to record an unprecedented sequence of 11 days with prices below 10 euros per megawatt hour. 
Interested in offshore wind call for robust regulation, guaranteed tariffs and a strengthened network
Although the political crisis has generated some fears, those interested in the offshore wind auction remain firm in their intention to participate.
Portugal installed more solar power in a single month than four Amareleja plants
Despite concerns about permitting and access to labour, the solar energy business in Portugal is making its way and in January had one of the best records ever for the installation of new capacity.
Natural resource extraction has tripled in five decades
Rich countries use six times more natural resources and generate 10 times more climate impact than poorer countries, the UN warns.