
Incorporation of biofuels maintains growth trajectory in 2023
The mandatory energy incorporation target for 2023 was 11.5 percent and physical incorporation reached approximately 50 percent of this value.
Centre for Marine Sciences supports two offshore wind farms in Portugal
The two wind farms together will be able to "provide clean energy" to more than 1.6 million homes.
Renewable energy drives growth in environmental goods and services
The environmental goods and services sector grew above the Portuguese economy as a whole in 2021, driven by renewable energy, according to the National Statistics Institute.
UN says climate transition plan requires €2.2 trillion per year
The executive secretary of the UNFCCC said that climate transition requires annual investment of 2.2 trillion euros, "torrents and not drops of funding", and "Olympic effort" to meet the goal.
Overcoming the obstacles of the energy transition by 2030 will be a key factor in accelerating decarbonization
The Global Energy Perspective 2023 sets out the outlook for energy demand and supply on a 1.5°C pathway, as well as four bottom-up energy transition scenarios.
Renewables supply 81% of the electricity consumed in January
Weather conditions were favorable for hydroelectric production, but the same was not true for wind and photovoltaic plants.
Over the next three years, demand for electricity will grow faster as the energy transition also accelerates
Data contained in "Electricity 2024", the most recent annual report conducted by the IEA (International Energy Agency).
Current investment is not enough for the energy transition
Five trillion a year is the amount that will have to be invested to achieve the targets set by Brussels by 2050.
Europe's dependence on fossil fuels rose in 2022. Portugal is slightly below 70%
In addition to spikes in the prices of various energy sources, there has been a decline in nuclear power production, and even the increase in renewable sources will not have been enough to offset this context.
EU aims to increase offshore energy production by 2030
A new system has been installed off the coast of Gran Canaria, Spain, to harness the energy of ocean waves.