
City Halls can continue to benefit from IMI to efficient homes
The Tax and Customs Authority understands that, although the tax benefit for energy-efficient urban buildings has expired, the councils can grant an identical reduction to their citizens who meet the requirements for this.
2023: Portugal with record renewable energy production
Data released by REN indicate that renewable production supplied 61% of electricity consumption in Portugal in 2023, for a total of 31.2 TWh.
Green Works & Skills Programme extended to processes to accelerate the transition and energy efficiency
Ordinance No. 7/2024 was published, the first amendment to Ordinance No. 21/2023, which creates the Green Skills & Jobs Program, a professional training program in the area of energy.
Government publishes diploma that establishes rules for the voluntary carbon market
This diploma establishes that "Adene is responsible for the development and management of the platform for the registration of projects and carbon credits" as well as the "monitoring and monitoring of the market".
Use oscillators to generate power in the boats from the waves
A new system on ships uses the movement of waves to generate electricity, contributing to the decarbonisation of the maritime sector.
Electricity grid can't handle new renewables power plants
The problem persists even with grid reinforcements already licensed and/or approved, so it is necessary to implement new network expansion projects, says DGEG.
Energy and climate: what is the cost of inaction?
Europe has quickly solved the problem of dependence on Russian gas, but in its thirst to patch up this problem, it seems to have uncovered others.
Mobi.e contracted to support electric mobility in Colombia
Mobi.e kicked off the internationalization strategy announced earlier this year, which pointed to Europe and Latin America as the priority axes.
Global energy transition needs $4.1 trillion annually
In Europe, clean energy will focus on wind power, with the combination of offshore and onshore wind becoming the main source of electricity generation.
Five major changes that have occurred since the Paris Agreement
From installing solar panels to electric mobility, here are five ways we're moving in the right direction, according to a study by the NewClimate Institute, a German non-profit organization.