
Hydrogen refuelling network in Portugal
Portugal needs to build a hydrogen refuelling network with at least 37 stations by 2030, in an investment estimated at €219 million.
Green hydrogen beaten by grey, IEA report reveals
The share of low-emission hydrogen, from renewables, nuclear or CO2 capture, still represents a minority share of global generation and consumption rates.
Long-Term Strategy to Combat Energy Poverty 2023-2050 (ELPPE)
The approval of the ELPPE also includes the creation of the "National Energy Poverty Observatory" and a "Citizen Energy Space" model.
Long-Term Strategy to Combat Energy Poverty 2023-2050 (ELPPE)
The approval of the ELPPE also includes the creation of the "National Energy Poverty Observatory" and a "Citizen Energy Space" model.
Connection to the grid that remains in Pego may go to auction
Government says that the remaining capacity at Pego (260 MW) is being analysed "in light of the needs of the region", and may proceed to tender.
Renewable energy: all about biogas
Discovered in the 17th century, biogas and anaerobic digestion have been studied over time.
It's time to make the economy resilient European climate change
Droughts, floods and extreme wildfires are having a devastating impact on humans and the economy around the world. 
Portuguese Researcher receives two million euros to generate hydrogen through solar energy
The X-STREAM prototype aims to store solar energy through the generation of hydrogen, in a more efficient, convenient and adaptable way to multiple uses.
Brussels officially launches European Hydrogen Bank with €800 million in grants
Promoters can apply until February 8.
International Energy Agency argues that oil and gas companies should dedicate 50% of their investment to clean energy
Currently, only 2.5% of its investments are directed towards renewable energies.