
Portuguese NECP is not aligned with new energy efficiency directive
Neither Portugal nor 14 other European countries analysed in a report by the Energy Saving Coalition have their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) aligned with the new Energy Efficiency Directive.
Photovoltaic Solar Panel - Balance September and October 2023
Month #82 and #83
The sun shines and we enjoy it. How is the investment in solar panels in Portugal?
In just two years, it has almost quintupled its investment in photovoltaics. What's next? Is there support for those who want to invest? Listen to the new episode of Economia dia a dia, Expresso's daily podcast.
Government says small-scale fisheries will be 'less affected' by offshore renewables
The Northern Fishing Shipowners' Association warned today that the sector is willing to stop to contest the creation of wind farms for the production of offshore renewable energy, if they occupy areas important to fishermen.
Renewables supply 67% of the electricity consumed in October
According to REN, electricity consumption increased by 3.1% in October (up 2.1% after adjusting for the effects of temperature and number of working days).
Gas consumption has already fallen by 20% this year
Not since 2006 has Portugal spent so little.
Portugal closes 2022 with a record in the incorporation of renewables in energy consumption
According to DGEG's most recent annual balance sheet, Portugal ended 2022 with a new record for the incorporation of renewable sources in gross final energy consumption, with 34.5%.
Electrification Alliance calls for the creation of a European action plan to accelerate electrification
The document, entitled Manifesto for Electrification, calls for the creation of an Action Plan for this purpose and outlines key measures to make this goal a reality.
Renewables, promises, incentives and impairments
COP28 will take place in Dubai, whose economy is largely dependent on tourism and financial services, and where oil already has a residual weight.
Recycling solar panels is already a priority
The recycling of solar panels is not yet an urgent situation, but it will definitely be chaotic if we do not think in time about how the treatment of this equipment will be processed.