
Electricity consumption in Portugal has been ensured for almost 48 hours by renewable sources
Electricity consumption in Portugal has been ensured for more than 24 hours by renewable sources, mainly wind and hydro energy, due to "favourable wind and rain conditions", REN announced today
Energy transition runs faster than expected
The latest report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) underscores the new political risks.
Europe must invest in skills to lead the clean energy race
The EU will need to create 3.5 million new jobs in the renewable energy sector to meet its targets.
Greenvolt in Ireland
The Greenvolt group, dedicated to the development of renewable energy projects, has reached an agreement for the acquisition of the majority of Enerpower's capital, with an additional investment for the development of PPAs, in a transaction with a total...
Costa defends "bridges" between EU, African countries and Latin America in the face of tensions and wars
António Costa stressed that "global challenges require global responses", at a time of the war in Ukraine caused by the Russian invasion, tensions in the Middle East and the terrorist attack last week in Brussels.
The world of energy in 2030
Russia with less power, China with less appetite, unstoppable electric cars and offshore and solar skyrocketing.
Energy mix Portuguese includes a higher percentage of renewables than the European Union average
"Portugal is one of the most decarbonized countries in the European Union, and is on the right track to transform its entire energy system and accelerate the development of renewable energy. This is said by the European Commission.
Electricity production in Madeira reaches the highest value in the last 11 years
Gross electricity production in the Autonomous Region of Madeira exceeded 935.6 GWh in 2022, representing an increase of 5.3% compared to 2021, according to data from the Regional Directorate of Statistics.
How can Europe avoid another energy crisis?
The consequences of the energy crisis are still reverberating through homes and communities, as well as revealing several weaknesses on the continent.
IEA predicts fossil fuel peaks this decade and warms of 2.4 degrees
Fossil fuel consumption will peak this decade, but it will no longer be in time to avoid global warming of 2.4 degrees Celsius, the International Energy Agency (IEA) warned on Tuesday.