
Portugal targeted by Brussels for failures to transpose energy rules
Brussels has doubts about the transposition of EU rules on renewable energy and also about the internal electricity market. Portugal has two months to respond.
Portugal bets on hydrogen to accelerate the energy transition
Green hydrogen is one of the biggest promises for the world to take firmer steps in the fight against climate change.
Energy ministers reached an agreement on the reform of the electricity market in the European Union
The reform aims to protect consumers from price volatility and accelerate the deployment of renewables.
Government considers offshore wind auction without guaranteed tariffs (for now)
The first auction for large-scale wind projects in Portuguese waters may initially bid only for the right to use maritime space, without tying developers and the electricity system to a guaranteed tariff for the sale of energy.
Energy transition: what are the answers for the future?
"Portugal has many opportunities in the field of energy transition and climate transition," says Ana Fontoura Gouveia.
European Council calls for more global ambition at COP28
Increasing nationally determined contributions, tripling the installed capacity of renewables and strengthening existing climate finance mechanisms are among the key ideas that the EU will bring to the Dubai Climate Summit.
Waste such as used cooking oils account for 80% of biofuel production in Portugal
The biannual report of the ABA (Advanced Bioenergy Association) reveals that the national production of biofuels increased by 9% from 2021 to 2022.
What criteria should the government consider in offshore wind auctions?
The launch of an offshore wind auction is a crucial step in the country's commitment to advancing its energy transition, but at the same time it is a real challenge.
Wind industry needs 600,000 technicians for the next few years
The professional and training market needs to adjust quickly.
GuimarĂ£es will have a hydrogen refueling pilot project
It will be the first station in the country open to the public and will be located in the city's public transport company.