
Portugal's ambitions come closer to the Paris agreement, but ANP|WWF warns of weaknesses
The ANP|WWF reinforces that the transition cannot be done at any cost and that there is still no planning for offshore renewable energy in Portugal that includes clear environmental and social criteria.
Three years after being given the green light, €400 million solar project for Mértola returns to public scrutiny
Fermesolar's project was once again submitted to public consultation, to monitor compliance with the conditions imposed by the Environment Agency.
Renewable Energy Communities in Municipalities: The Missing Step in the Transition
The energy transition is inevitable, but the challenges are great. The path has to involve municipalities, both for their strategic positioning and for their proximity to the community.
Europe can be energy self-sufficient with renewables by 2030
The study, entitled "European Energy Independence through Renewables by 2030", was coordinated by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
Canadians eyeing green fuels in Sines
The aim of this facility is to produce a zero-carbon liquid fuel to be used in maritime, road and rail transport.
Harnessing the sun for renewable hydrogen
At a time when Europe is increasingly turning to clean energy sources, EU researchers are trying to produce hydrogen from the sun's rays and heat.
OK, let's decarbonize electricity: what about the other 75%?
In recent weeks, the country has been confronted with a succession of climate protests.
Portugal aligned with meeting wind energy targets for 2030
Portugal is one of the 10 member states of the European Union (EU) where the development of wind energy is aligned with the fulfillment of the goals of the Paris Agreement (CAP) for 2030, according to the environmental NGO WWF.
Tender for offshore wind energy projects moves forward in October
The Prime Minister, António Costa, announced this Wednesday that the Government will launch this month the process for the expression of interest in the promotion of offshore wind projects.
Government approves delimitation of the zone to explore offshore renewables off Viana do Castelo
It has 7.6 square kilometers and will be used to test and explore various renewable energy technologies in the ocean.