
European Commission pledges more support for wind industry
The European Union will present a package of measures to support its wind energy industry as renewable energy companies grapple with challenges including inflation, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Wednesday.
Solar bike lanes are the next level of green mobility
In the Netherlands and Germany, bike lanes have been part of the landscape for a long time, but they are evolving to another level. And they also begin to produce solar energy. 
The European wind industry is a remarkable "success story", according to the president of the European Commission
Delivering her final State of the Union address in Strasbourg, Ursula von der Leyen welcomed the progress made on the renewable front.
Two years after the abandonment of coal, Government moves forward with project to foster innovation in renewables in Abrantes
The Secretary of State for Energy and Climate has created a working group that should by the end of October propose the model to install in Abrantes a "technological free zone" that promotes innovation in the area of renewables.
Investments in solar energy boost the market in Portugal
In recent years, Portugal has stood out as a leader in the transition to renewable energies at the European level, especially in the solar energy sector ...
Opening of Public Consultation | Sines High Demand Area
Announcement no. 184-A/2023A, on the opening of a public consultation for the expression of interest in the allocation of connection capacity to the public service electricity grid in the Sines High Demand Zone, was published today in the Official...
Main obstacle to the decarbonization of companies is the willingness of customers to pay additional costs
Bain & Company's Global Energy and Natural Resources report notes that energy and natural resources executives estimate a slowdown in decarbonization rates in the short term (until 2030), although their expectations remain positive in the long term.
IEA predicts for the first time peak in demand for all fossil fuels "in the coming years"
Until now, the IEA had forecast global oil demand to peak before the end of the decade, but now includes natural gas and coal.
MEPs approve increase to 42.5% share of renewables in the EU by 2030
The European Parliament (EP) approved on Tuesday a proposal by the European Commission to increase the share of renewable energy in energy consumption in the European Union (EU) to 42.5% by 2030, with the 27 member states having a target of 45%.
Ursula von der Leyen in the spotlight when the political climate is hotter than ever
The EU has been fighting climate change for decades. But with this summer confirmed as the hottest ever globally – it's time to work with our international allies and raise the temperature of climate action.