
Decarbonization can grow the national GDP by 10 to 20%
For Portugal to be able to reap the rewards of decarbonization, it must take advantage of the advantages it has in the production of green hydrogen.
Photovoltaic Solar Panel - Balance August 2023 (Month #81)
August 2023 Analysis.
G20 commits to renewable energy, without calling for an exit from fossil fuels
The G20's commitment to renewable energy, reached at the New Delhi summit, was seen as a "glimmer of hope" for some and a "minimum" for others.
Electricity grids over 40 years old hold back renewables in Europe
EU investment in electricity grids is expected to increase from €23 billion to €38 billion a year by 2030, says Eurelectric. In Portugal the transmission network is less than 30 and the distribution network is around 34 years old.
Do the math instead of "pretending to do so"
Portugal imports electricity from Spain, at competitive prices, produced with renewables and nuclear.
Major economies need 220 years to achieve carbon neutrality
Researchers indicate that green growth is not happening in more developed economies. To do so, CO2-GDP decoupling would have to increase tenfold by 2025.
Europe's share of fossil fuels has reached an all-time low
In five countries, the reduction was more than 30%. Portugal was one of those countries.
Yes, we import electricity. So what?
From time to time a set of voices appears in the national media panorama warning of the surge of Portuguese electricity imports, a scourge that the country needs to fight, a tragedy that mirrors, in the opinion of the most alarmed voices, catastrophic...
European Investment Bank announces 49 million for sustainable projects in Brazil
The Vinci Climate Change Fund will manage, in this context, infrastructure projects related to environmental sustainability in Brazil.
EU energy policies are ambitious but fall short of targets, says Bruegel
According to an analysis by this think tank, energy policy is still fragmented among the 27.