
The carbon "shuttle" has been launched but is still shy
Decarbonisation should also involve the collection of carbon that is released into the atmosphere.
Green hydrogen, 'hype' or new paradigm?
Financial support in this area contributes to new forms of production and also to new business models, more efficient and based on the concept of the green economy.
Why are there negative prices on electricity?
Mibel lives in high volatility: in one week it had the most expensive and cheapest day in several months.
Regional Government launches second phase of applications to PRIPAER-RAM
At the moment, the Region has 1,569 self-consumption units based on licensed photovoltaic technology, "which already represents twelve megawatts" of total installed power.
Exxon estimates that oil and gas will continue to account for half of the world's needs by 2050
The U.S. oil company says the world will miss the goal of decarbonization and the 2°C limit of global warming by 2050.
European companies ignore main focuses of polluting emissions in decarbonisation strategies
The decarbonization strategies of these companies only consider 37% of Scope 3 emissions.
Electricity from fossil fuels at the lowest level ever in the EU
Between January and June, fossil fuels generated 410 TWh in the European Union, the lowest share of the electricity mix ever recorded.
Portugal among the five countries that will lead the floating wind market in 2030, GWEC predicts
The floating wind turbine market is dominated by five countries, with Portugal being one of those that will lead the sector in 2030. China dethrones Europe in offshore wind.
Inflation threatens renewables projects
Kristian Ruby: Inflation – along with regulatory uncertainty – is now the main threat to the energy transition in Europe, which needs to get rid of fossil fuels and bet clean energy.
July was the fifth driest month since 2000
The month of July, in mainland Portugal, was classified as normal in relation to temperature and very dry in relation to precipitation, according to the Climate and Energy newsletter of Lisbon E-Nova – Lisbon Energy and Environment Agency.