
Portugal loses out to Spain among Europe's most attractive markets for solar energy
An analysis by the consultancy Aurora Energy Research chooses Germany, Spain and Italy as the best European markets.
European Investment Bank is available to help Portugal
The Government has not yet decided, but the European Investment Bank is available to assist Portugal in projects of the Recovery and Resilience Plan.
Sun or trees? We have to anticipate "what pays the most"
There are more and more applications for permits for "a place in the sun," but the environmental impacts of large solar plants complicate the processes.
First hybrid wind and solar project in Spain receives authorization for commissioning
This is the first hybrid plant installed in Spain to receive operating authorization and, for EDPR, it is the second in the Iberian Peninsula.
Europe forced to recover production
The Secretary of State for Energy and Climate, Ana Foutoura Gouveia, was one of the guests of "Let's Talk about Decarbonization?"
IRENA provides toolbox for intelligent electrification of heating and cooling
IRENA analyses the state of the art of electrification in different areas, presents the goals needed to meet the scenario of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C and advances a set of instruments that can help innovate and accelerate decarbonization.
Europe obliged to recover production
A challenge considering the increasingly tight environmental goals, knowing how to innovate (and where) is essential to accelerate productive momentum in energy and regain the 'leadership' lost to China.
Consumers are willing to pay more for 'green products'
The findings are from GfK's global Consumer Life study, which identified that environmental concerns are one of the criteria that most influence the purchase of technological consumer goods with greater durability.
European Union Audit Courts have European funds and energy under scope
The Courts of Auditors of the European Union are concerned about the consequences of the war in Ukraine, particularly the impacts on energy, and have set up a working group on this matter.
Hydro plan for the Alentejo approved by the Council of Ministers
Among the measures announced is the construction of a link between the Alqueva and Monte da Rocha dams and the intervention in the Santa Clara dam.