
Government wants country "at the forefront of sustainable fuels in aviation"
Leaders of Galp, EDP and Greenvolt criticize the cost of natural gas and European bureaucracy in the energy transition.
Under review: Barroso lithium exploration
The exploration of lithium in Barroso, in Boticas, has received the green light from the Portuguese Environment Agency.
Government might at least double the country's target on green hydrogen
The update of the national hydrogen strategy, which the Government intends to carry out this year, might at least double the country's ambition in terms of new electrolysis capacity to be installed by 2030.
Australians interested in offshore auction
It is recalled that the Portuguese Government aims to put in place 10 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030.
Offshore wind auction launched this year and winner expected to be known in 2024
The Government has assumed the ambition to reach an installed offshore wind capacity of 10 GW by 2030, to be allocated by auction.
Portugal with interesting number of sustainable fuel projects in aviation, says Galamba
The minister said the ambition is to place the country "in the 'pole position' for the production of sustainable aviation fuels" (SAF).
Zero Association demands strategy to combat energy poverty
Association claims that it should be a "national priority" in the face of the millions of Portuguese who are in this situation.
How do we consume energy in Portugal and in the world? Ten questions and answers.
Where does the world go to get its energy? And Portugal? And what are the prospects for the evolution of energy sources? 
10% of the gas that arrived in Sines in the first quarter of 2023 came from Russia
Of a total of 10,384 GWh of LNG unloaded by the end of March at REN's Sines terminal, almost 2,000 GWh came from Russia, despite sanctions imposed by the European Union on the import of Russian gas.
Portugal risks losing clean energy race
Betting on value chains will be crucial, says report from the the European research centre E3G.