
Renewable gases: A "robust" business but with few projects in the final phase
The latest Hydrogen Council report lists more than 1,040 projects announced between May 2022 and January 2023 globally.
Europe seeks "critical minerals" in Latin America and Africa for energy transition
Minerals such as lithium are considered essential for achieving the so-called "energy transition" from the world's fossil-fuel-dependent economies to less polluting production and consumption systems based on renewable sources.
Solar energy in Portugal: when the small isn't enough and the big is not too much
Despite all the advantages of photovoltaic energy and the obvious strategic advantages of Portugal, being one of the countries with the most hours of sunshine in Europe, there are challenges that have to be overcome.
Portugal will demonstrate sustainable Artificial Intelligence applications for the Electricity and Mobility sector
INESC TEC is part of a European project that wants to develop and demonstrate distributed and energy-efficient Artificial Intelligence solutions for the objectives of the European Green Deal.
Offshore wind: a new industry in sight
Portugal has one of Europe's most ambitious plans for offshore wind. The technology is not yet mature. But the Government is determined to move forward.
Renewable energies ensure 67% of electricity consumption in Portugal
In the first four months of 2023, renewable energies were responsible for the largest electricity production in Portugal.
Will we be able to have 100% renewable electricity?
The National Energy and Climate Plan (PNEC) for 2030 does not yet point to the horizon for a 100% renewable electricity system in Portugal, although the Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality sets this bar in the year 2050.
Floating photovoltaic solar energy
A study by the Chair of Renewable Energies of the University of Évora concludes that the installed power in floating photovoltaic solar systems can exceed the national target of 7 GW, defined in the PNEC 2030 for photovoltaic energy in the electricity...
Gas distributors predict decarbonized network by 2040
Officials of the companies that operate the gas distribution network in Portugal, Floene, REN Portgás and Dourogás, explained the future they see for their networks.
Renewable production supplied 49% of energy consumption in Portugal in April
From January to April, renewable production supplied 67% of consumption, which compares with 50% in the same period last year, according to Lisboa E-Nova, the Energy and Environment Agency.