
G7 vows to accelerate efforts to eliminate coal, but without setting deadlines
The G7 also expressed its willingness to work with other countries "to phase out new coal-fired power production projects as soon as possible in order to accelerate the transition to clean energy in a fair way."
U.S. climate envoy says transition to clean energy is irreversible
For Kerry, the G-7 talks in Saporo were "really constructive" in giving a show of unity for phasing out the uninterrupted use of fossil fuels that emit greenhouse gases.
Government wants to reduce tariff to charge electric cars
JN interview with Duarte Cordeiro, Minister of Environment and Climate Action.
Duarte Cordeiro in an interview with "TSF" and "JN"
The Government will allocate another 120 million euros from the PRR for a new support package for families, who want to improve energy efficiency in their homes.
Growth of solar and wind energy sufficient to meet demand
Over the past 7 years, Latin America has been the only region to increase solar and wind power fast enough to meet the growing demand for electricity.
Germany says goodbye to nuclear power
The decision to close the last plants was not taken lightly, as the country still believed that it could be enough to achieve the ambitious climate goals of the European Union, as it is an alternative to fossil fuels.
The dawn of green hydrogen is being designed from Brussels
Green hydrogen is one of the fuels that the European Union wants to bet on to make the energy transition.
Half of European companies invest in climate action
The EIB's Climate Investment Report 2022-2023 finds that most companies consider energy costs an obstacle to investment. 
Advances in the recycling of photovoltaic solar panels
The microwave technology promises to deliver "huge energy savings" in the manufacture of photovoltaic solar cells, while making them easier to recycle at the other end of their life cycle.
South Korea and Portugal to strengthen cooperation in the economy
António Costa, Costa e Silva and João Galamba were in South Korea to encourage the development of economic relations between the two countries. State-of-the-art technologies and energies are at the top of the common agenda.