
Price of solar panels expected to fall by 2025
With the cost of raw materials falling and production rising, solar panel prices are estimated to fall by 15% in 2024.
Green hydrogen: investment of €11 trillion by 2050
At a time when the governments of the world are increasingly encouraging the investment in renewable energies, the production of green hydrogen is expected to have a great growth.
ERSE consults the strategic lines for 2023-2027
Interested parties may direct their contributions, comments or suggestions until May 5, 2023, to the email address
"We are not protecting industries, but the interests of the country"
Interview with Ana Fontoura Gouveia.
Government wants to double the amount of vouchers for each family to invest in energy efficiency
The Secretary of State for Energy and Climate went to Parliament, at the request of the PSD, to talk about energy poverty, reiterating that a "deep review" of the Vale Eficiência program is being made.
European Solar Photovoltaic Industry Alliance
ESIA is a network of organisations active in the field of solar photovoltaics in the European Economic Area, both in the private and public sectors. Additional information about Entities interested in joining it may do so as well.
Renewable production supplies 72% of electricity consumption in Q1
Hydroelectric power leads with 34%, followed by wind with 27%, biomass with 6% and photovoltaic with 5%, REN said in a statement.
Renewables continued to be the most energetic to the European Union in 2021
In Portugal, the percentage of renewables produced reached 98%.
Electricity consumption fell 1% in March and renewables supplied 56% of the total
Electricity consumption in Portugal fell 1% in March (1.1% with correction of temperature and working days) compared to March 2022.
Solar energy already produces the equivalent of the electricity consumption of more than one million families
In March there was a new record in the use of photovoltaics in the country.