Press Releases

Renewables help halt sharp rise in electricity prices in 2023
The proposal for Tariffs and Prices for Electricity in 2023, presented by ERSE on October 17, clearly and unequivocally demonstrates this positive effect of renewable energy on electricity prices.  
APREN will award the best academic theses in the renewables sector
Applications for the APREN Award, established in 2015, are now open on the association's website.
Labeling nuclear and natural gas as sustainable energies is “climate throwback”
The European Parliament voted in favor of classifying some natural gas and nuclear energy projects as “green”, integrating them into the European taxonomy.
APREN stresses the illegality of additional municipal fees related to the deployment of renewable electricity production projects in Portugal
Decree-Law No. 15/2022 clearly establishes the compensation defined for Portuguese municipalities when installing renewable electricity production projects.
APREN is preparing a licensing guide for renewable energy projects
The initiative has the collaboration of APA and DGEG and aims to simplify and clarify the licensing process for renewable projects
APREN launches energy literacy program for first cycle students
The association's pilot program, which is part of the APPRENDE Project, was implemented in a basic school in Greater Lisbon for 3rd and 4th grade students, with the aim of reaching more schools across the country.
Deeply accelerating in renewables is the only way to guarantee “energy independence and security”, stresses APREN
APREN applauds measures defined in the REPowerEU plan presented by the European Commission last week.
APREN welcomes ACER's final assessment on the design of the European electricity market
ACER, the agency that brings together European energy regulators, presented suggestions to improve the internal electricity market with which APREN is aligned.
Renewables saved consumers up to 300 euros per year
A study proves that renewables generated annual savings in electricity bills of up to 300 euros for a domestic consumer and up to 30,000 euros for a non-domestic consumer in 2021, on average.
APREN and AP2H2 promoted party debate dedicated to the Energy Transition
Duarte Alves (CDU), João Galamba (PS), Jorge Costa (BE) e Salvador Malheiro (PSD)  defended the position of their parties in what concerns Energy Transition.