Press Releases

APREN emphasizes increase in European target for renewable incorporation
The European Commission launched the legislative package “Fit for 55”. They are a total of 14 pieces of legislation to allow the expansion of the GHG reduction target from 40% to 55%, made official in December 2020.
APREN Applauds Tax Suspension to Alleviate Wholesale Electricity Price
Order No. 6398/2021 suspends payment on account applied to energy producers and will bring direct benefits to the consumer, lowering the price of electricity in the wholesale market.
Fiscal system does not reflect all NECP goals, a APREN study finds
This is one of the main conclusions of the APREN study on Green Taxation, launched today. The document has already been delivered to the State Secretariats for Energy and Tax Affairs accompanied by concrete measures that would allow the collection of an...
APREN/ZERO: 2020 in review
2020 in review in a joint communication by APREN & ZERO
2020: um ano de desafios, de oportunidades e de mudança
Emissões de dióxido de carbono na produção de eletricidade em 2020 atingem mínimo de 30 anos, com 61,7% da energia gerada em Portugal a ter origem em fontes renováveis.
Eletric energy prices will not increase in 2021
Globally, the consumers will not see an increase on prices for next year. APREN defends, however, that taxes do not contribute positively to the decarbonization of the economy.
APREN applauds 1.800.000M€ fund to build a more ecologic, digital and resilient Europe
This fund will allow for the reconstruction of Europe post-Covid19, transforming the pandeminc into an opportunity to recover.
OE2021: Transição Energética está presente, mas falta definição de orçamento dedicado e de prazos de concretização, diz APREN
APREN supports 60% reduction on CO2 emissions approved by the European Parliament
APREN hosts Portugal Renewable Energy Summit 2020
This year's edition is dedicated to "renewable electricity at the hear of decarbonization" and will receive the most renowned national and international industry players.