Speakers and Moderators

João Abel Peças Lopes (PhD) is Full Professor (Professor Catedrático) at the Faculty of Engineering of Porto University, where he teaches in the graduation and post-graduation areas. He is presently also Director of the Sustainable Energy Sistems PhD program at FEUP and President of the Scientific Commission of the Sustainable Energy Sistems PhD program at FEUP.
He is Associate Director and Coordinator of the TEC4Energy business development unit at INESC TEC, an R&D private non-profit organization recognized as Associate Laboratory by the Ministry of Science and with the University of Porto as the main associate.
Prof. Peças Lopes is an IEEE Fellow. He is member of the Power Systems Dynamic Performance Committee of the IEEE PES.
Prof. Peças Lopes is member of the National Acompanying Commission for the Recovery and Resilience Plan (Comissão Nacional de Acompanhamento do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência).
He is member of the Board of the Smart Energy Lab, a CoLAB in Energy Services.
He is since 2012 Chair of the REN award committee.
He is Vice-Presidente of the board of the Portuguese Association for Electric Vehicles.
He is presently Chair of the International Steering Committee of the IEEE Power Tech.
He is member of the Consulting Board of Agência de Energia do Porto (Porto Energy Agency).
He is member of the Scientific Council of FCT.
He is Member of the General Council of APREN (Portuguese Association for Renewable Energies)
He is Editor of the (SEGAN) Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks journal.
He is Honorary member of the editorial board of the IET Energy Conversion and Economics
He is Associate editor of the Journal on Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy
He is Associate editor of the China Electrotechnical Society Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems
Prof. Peças Lopes is convener of the CIGRE WG C6.40 - Electric Vehicles as Distributed Energy Resources (DER) systems.
He is co-author of more than 400 publications and co-editor of the book "Electric Vehicles Integration into Modern Power Networks" from Springer. This book was one of the the top 50% most downloaded eBooks from Springer. He is registered with more than 12.000 citations in Scopus with an h index 53.
He supervised more than 35 PhD Thesis in Portugal and abroad.
He was Adjoint Professor at the Iowa State University (USA) from 1996 - 2001 and Visiting Professor at Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas) in Madrid.
Prof. Peças Lopes was for more than 9 years Director/Member of the Board of INESC TEC.
He was from 2007 to 2014 Director of the Sustainable Energy Systems PhD program at FEUP and Director of Advanced course on Sustainable Energy Systems also at FEUP.
Prof. Peças Lopes was responsible by INESC Porto activities in several EU financed research projects, namely the project - MICROGRIDS - Large Scale Integration of Micro Generation to Low Voltage Grids and MORE_MICROGRIDS - Advanced Architectures and Control Concepts for More Microgrids and scientific coordinator of the project MERGE - Mobile Energy Resources for Grids of Electricity.
He supervised several consulting projects related with the impact analysis of the connection of wind parks in the electrical grids of Madeira, Azores, Sal, S. Vicente and S. Tiago, in the Republic of Cabo Verde. He was the responsible for several consultancy projects related with the electrical grid impact resulting from the connection of large wind parks in Portugal.
He was also responsible for the definition of technical rules for the integration of wind power in Brazil. He coordinated also consultancy studies for the Hungarian Regulator regarding the evaluation of the integration of wind power in Hungary. He coordinates the participation of INESC Porto in the InovGrid project.
He was also the Chair of the Selection Committee of the public tender that decided about the integration of 1800 MW of wind generation in Portugal, launched by the Portuguese government in 2005.
He was member of the Executive board of the EES/UETP consortium and Chair of its course program committee.
He was Chair of the Scientific Council of EnergyIn.
He has served as research project evaluator for the European Commission and for governmental science organizations in Portugal, France, Italy, Greece, Finland, Danemark, Ireland, Saudi Arabia and Quatar.
He was for more than 4 years one of the coordinators of INESC Porto Power System Unit.
His main domains of research are presently related with large scale integration of renewable power sources in power systems (namely wind and solar PV generation), power system dynamics, microgrids, smartmetering, integration of electric vehicles in electrical grids and electricity / gas sector coupling using hydrogen.
In 2012 he received the CIGRE Technical Committee Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the work of the Study Committee C6 – Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation.
In 2015 he was nominated as Energy Live Personality during the Green Business Week.