Portugal Renewable Energy Summit 2023

Speakers and Moderators

Jorge Vasconcelos
NEWES | President

President of NEWES, New Energy Solutions, a company operating in the energy sector renewable. Consultant for several international organizations and national authorities. Member from the Harvard Environmental Economics Program. Guest professor at the MIT Portugal Program.


Jorge Vasconcelos was born in Porto, in 1959. He graduated in electrical engineering at University of Porto and received his doctorate at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, where he was investigator.


He worked in the electrical networks department at AEG (Frankfurt am Main, 1985-1989), was deputy secretary general of the European association of electrical companies - EURELECTRIC (Brussels, 1989-1996), guest professor at the University of Pavia, first president of the Energy Services Regulatory Authority (Lisbon, 1996-2006), co-founder and first President of the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER – 2000-2005), first president of the European Group of Electricity and Gas Regulators (ERGEG – 2003-2005), co-founder of the Association of Ibero-American Energy Regulators (ARIAE), co-founder and first vice-president of the Center for Public Law and Regulation Studies (CEDIPRE – 2000-2006), co-founder and member of the executive committee of the Florence School of Regulation (Florence, since 2003).