Portugal Renewable Energy Summit 2023

Speakers and Moderators

Luís Pinho
Helexia Portugal | Country Director

Luis Pinho, aged 47, takes great pride in being the father of two beautiful twin girls. Aside from his deep affection for his children, he stands as a dedicated advocate for Sever do Vouga, a charming village in the northern region of Portugal, his beloved hometown. Driven by an unwavering connection to his roots, family, and a strong desire to contribute to a better world, Luis transitioned to the renewable energy industry in 2008 before joining Helexia in 2016.


His journey through the renewable sector led to an enriching international experience spanning eight years in Belgium, along with shorter stints in Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Romania. However, as time passed, the pull to return to his homeland grew stronger. Since 2016, Luis has passionately embraced the challenge of establishing Helexia in Portugal while spearheading the international expansion of Helexia Group. This responsibility fills him with immense pride as he shapes and coordinates the company's business development.


Today, deeply engrossed in establishing Helexia in Portugal and driving its global reach, Luis finds solace and fulfillment in his personal life in Lisbon. Here, amidst the city's rich cultural tapestry and multicultural ambiance, he savors its cuisine and embraces life's celebrations each day.