Portugal Renewable Energy Summit 2023

Speakers and Moderators

Naomi Baker
Energy UK | Senior Policy Manager

Naomi leads on demand side response and energy storage for Energy UK, the largest energy trade body in the UK. With an MBA in Strategic Carbon Management (University of East Anglia), Naomi’s previous work has been on heat and energy efficiency policy and delivering domestic and commercial retrofit programmes.


Naomi’s current work focusses on ensuring that viable technologies and approaches have viable routes to market. Last year, Naomi led industry engagement into the design and implementation of an innovative service, believed to be the first time that aggregated domestic demand has been used to balance a national grid. The Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) was introduced in winter 22/23, (following the gas crisis caused by Russian’s invasion of Ukraine) to allow the UK system operator (National Grid ESO) to access additional flexibility over winter peak days. 1.6 million homes and businesses were paid for voluntarily flexing their electricity usage. A further iteration will run this winter, and from 2024, the service will be used to inform how domestic flex transitions to a viable commercial proposition.