APREN Conference 2017

Speakers and Moderators

Stéphane Lascaud

Dr Stéphane Lascaud, 47 years, has a PhD degree in chemistry of Montreal University and engineering degree of INPG in 1992.


After 3 years at Hydro Quebec Research Institute, he has joined EDF R&D in 1996 where he has managed a project aiming to develop lithium polymer batteries for electric vehicle, now operating as Autolib car service in Paris.


From 2002 to 2010, he has managed a research group (20 people) working on batteries and energy management system for renewable energies, electric transportation, back-up supply and storage system for grid application for EDF group.


Between 2010 and 2013, he has been senior project manager for smart-grids demonstrators. He was in charge of Millener project dedicated to residential customers with works on demand side management and power demand that aims to facilitate integration of renewable energy through Li-ion battery storages settled in residential houses.


He was also in charge of Pegase project in order to tackle grid stability issues caused by a MW scale PV and Wind power generation system connected to the grid. This project aimed to test capability of 1 MW NaS battery to smooth and schedule PV and wind farm combined with day ahead and intraday forecast but also to test ability of NaS battery to supply frequency regulation and spinning reserve.


Since 2014, he is CEO, and one of the founders, of the spin off EDF Store and Forecast. EDF Store and Forecast commercializes forecasting services and Energy Management Softwares to plan and optimally control energy storage systems with renewable power production. After 3 years the company is operating 26 MW - 26 MWh aggregated batteries worldwide with its Energy Management System.

Presentation (Conference)
