APREN Conference 2017

Speakers and Moderators

Patrícia Fortes
Researcher at Nova University

Patrícia Fortes is a postdoc researcher at CENSE (Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research) research center at Nova University. She holds a PhD in Environment (UNL, 2014) and a degree in Environmental Engineering (FCT / UNL, 2003).


In the last 10 years, she has worked in the area of ​​energy modeling, focusing on low-carbon futures, the role of new energy technologies and assessing the macroeconomic impact of energy-climate policies.


She has worked at the Joint Research Center in Seville (2015) in the development of the POTEnCIA (Policy Oriented Tool for Energy and Climate Change Impact Assessment) model and has integrated the team of multiple research projects in the field of energy-economy-environment modeling, such as COMET (CO2 transport and storage, 2013) European project HybCO2 (Hybrid Approaches to Assess Economic, Environmental and Technological Impacts of Long Term Carbon Scenarios, 2014) and the international project Methodologies linking energy systems models and economic models (2014) funded by the IEA-ETSAP program of the International Energy Agency.


She also has extensive experience in supporting the development of national public policies in the area of ​​energy and mitigation of greenhouse gases, having participated in several studies, namely Portugal Climate 2020 (2009), for the Executive Committee of the Commission on Climate Change, the Impact of the New Energy Technologies on the National Energy System (2010) for the Ministry of Economy, the National Low Carbon Roadmap (2012) and the National Climate Change Program (2014) for the Ministry of the Environment, as well as the Impact of the rate (2014) within the framework of the Commission for the Reform of Green Taxation.

Presentation (Conference)
