APREN Conference 2017

Speakers and Moderators

Victor Baptista
Institutional Relations Manager at REN

Victor Baptista began his professional career in 1976 at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) as Assistant, first in the Department of Applied Physics and later in the Department of Production, Transportation and Distribution of Electricity.


In 1980 He joined EDP for the Central Planning Department and, in the course of the process of unbundling of the sector started in the 1990s, he joined REN's staff as Director of Planning. At this stage, REN coordinates the process of separation of REN from EDP through the acquisition by the Portuguese State of 70% of REN's capital.


From 2001 to 2010, he was a member of the Executive Committee of REN, currently assuming the position of Director of Institutional Relations. At national level, in addition to representations in various organizations of the energy sector, he assumes the chairmanship of CIGRÉ - Committee of Large Electrical Networks. At the international level, he is currently Vice-President of Med-TSO, an organization that aggregates all TSOs in the Mediterranean area.


In addition to FEUP, he completed several training courses in the technical area (modeling of energy systems at the University of Chicago) and management (AESE in Portugal and USW in Germany).

Presentation (Conference)
