Speakers and Moderators

Currently working on the Flexibility and Energy Storage Research Services at Delta-EE as an Analyst, where he focus mostly on energy market monitoring, developing forecasting models and providing insights on regulations and developments in the energy storage front.
Before joining Delta-EE, he spent a year at tiko Energy Solutions AG (a company providing VPP solutions through its HEMS services) where he worked on solution designing, consultancy and research projects while conducting his master thesis, which looked at the financials behind an optimised self-consumption in the UK.
He holds a double master’s degree on Energy Management and Technologies by both Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon) and Uppsala Universitet (Uppsala, Sweden).
Other experiences include co-founding a joint venture which provides training courses in the transportation sector and certificates of completing short courses on Energy Policy – by Grenoble École de Management – and Management & Entrepreneurship – by Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics.