Portugal Renewable Energy Summit 2021

Speakers and Moderators

Mário Paulo

From 1999 to 2005 he was responsible for trading operations at the Spanish Electricity Market Operator (OMEL) from 1999 to 2005.


In 2003 he joined the REN team that created the legal bases of the long-term electricity market operator; OMIP.


He finished his duties at this company in September 2012 as Director.


He served in four ministerial offices that protected the energy sector, in the respective Secretariats of State.


- 1996-1997: Deputy Secretary of State for Industry and Energy
President of WFP - Municipal Action Plan.  
First national programme created for the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Implementation in Mortam of the first biomass plant.


- 2005-2007: Advisor to the Secretary of State for Industry and Innovation
Coordinated several teams in the preparation of legislation.
Establishment of a new regulatory framework for the SEN- National Electric System, materialized in Decree-Law No. 29/2006, DL No. 172/2006 (electricity) DL No. 30/2006 (GN), and fuels DLnº31/2006.


Transposition into Portuguese legislation the principles of Directive 2003/54/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 June, as well as Directive No 2009/72/EC, the European Parliament and the Council of 13 July aimed at creating a free and competitive market.


International Wind Energy Competition.

It was tasked with organizing the first 1500 MW international power wind power competition that created the first industrial cluster in Portugal.
Moura Photovoltaic Plant.


Negotiation with the Municipality of Moura of industrial, financial and social conditions for the viability of the then largest photovoltaic plant in the world.


- In 2009/2010: Advisor to the Secretary of State for Industry and Innovation


Principal advisor for coordination and support in energy, having coordinated in the legislative scope the following tasks:
- RCM No. 20/2010;
- Preparation of the Proposal for National Energy Strategy (ENE 2020). 

- Decree-Law 71/2011 from 20th June


Transposition into Portuguese legislation Directive 2009/72/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 13 July repealing Directive No 2003/54/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 June laying down the common rules for the internal electricity market.


DL 34 /2011, of March 8. This decree-law establishes the new legal regime applicable to the production of electricity from renewable resources, extending the concept to mini-production units.


- December 2015 to September 2016: Senior Consultant of the Secretary of State for Energy


Law No. 31/2017


He led the contact group that drafted the bill for the preparation of the tender for electricity concessions in LV.


- 1994-1996: GEPIE, Planning Office of the Ministry of Industry and Energy

President of PROTEDE - Operational Program of Energy Transport and Distribution.

It financed the expansion of natural gas distribution networks and electricity transport networks.


- 1991-1994: AIP Portuguese Industrial Association

Advisor to the Vice-President for the implementation of regional business centers.

- 1983-1998: EDP, Electricity of Portugal

He was a member of EDP team. He was part of the construction team of the Sines coal-station power plant and the Pego project team.

Since 2013, as an independent consultant, he has been working in the area of energy regulation especially for PALOP.


1979: Graduated in Civil Engineering, Structures area, from the Instituto Superior Técnico.
1991: Completed his Master's degree in Politics, Economics and Energy Planning from the Higher Institute of Economics and Management. 
2003-2004: School of Direction and Business (AESE): PDE Business Management Program.
2003: London Business School. Derivatives, markets and models
Languages; English, French and Spanish.