Speakers and Moderators

João A. Peças Lopes holds a Doctorate in Electrical and Computer Engineering from FEUP, and is a Professor at this Faculty, where he teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
He was for 7 years Director of the Doctoral Program on Sustainable Energy Systems and Director of the Advanced Studies Course on Sustainable Energy Systems at FEUP.
He is a member of the Board of Directors of INESC TEC.
He is Vice-President of the Portuguese Electric Vehicle Association (APVE).
Prof. Peças Lopes was responsible for INESC TEC's participation in several projects funded by the European Union, namely the following projects - MICROGRIDS - Large Scale Integration of Micro Generation to Low Voltage Grids and MORE_MICROGRIDS - Advanced Architectures and Control Concepts for More Microgrids and MERGE - Mobile Energy Resources for Grids of Electricity.
Led several consultancy projects associated with the impact analysis resulting from the connection of large volumes of wind production in Madeira, Azores, Sal, S. Vicente and S. Tiago, in the Republic of Cape Verde. He was responsible for several consultancy projects related to the impact on mainland Portugal's electricity grids of large wind farms.
He was responsible for defining the technical requirements for connecting wind farms in Brazil, working as a consultant for the ONS. Coordinated consultancy studies for the Hungarian Regulator regarding the identification of the volume of wind production that could be accommodated in the local electricity grid. Coordinated INESC TEC's participation in the InovGrid project.
He was the President of the Jury of the International Competition, launched by the Portuguese Government in 2005, for the Attribution of Connection Points for Wind Production in Portugal's Electricity Network, having decided to award licenses of around 1800 MW.
He was Member of the Executive Board of the European Consortium EES/UETP and President of the Program Committee of this Advanced Training Association.
He was an evaluator for the European Commission and Science and Technology Organizations in Portugal, France, Italy, Greece, Finland, Denmark and Ireland.
For more than 4 years he was coordinator of the Energy Systems Unit at INESC TEC.
He is co-editor of the Journal SEGAN - Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks.
His main areas of interest are related to Large-Scale Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Electric Grids (namely wind production), Dynamic Behavior Analysis, Microgrids, SmartMetering, SmartGrids and Integration of Electric Vehicles in Electric Grids.
In 2012, he received the CIGRE Technical Committee Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Study Committee C6 – Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation.
Prof. Peças Lopes is an IEEE Fellow.
He is a member of the Power Systems Dynamic Performance Committee of the IEEE PES.