Speakers and Moderators

Martim Vasconcellos e Sá
OMIP | Vice-President
Martim Vasconcelos e Sá has been, since July 2021, Vice President of OMIP – Pólo Português, SGMR, SA and of OMIE, Polo Español SA and President of OMIClear, CC, SA. Previously, Martim was Managing Director and Representative in Portugal of Société Générale where he was responsible for the origination, structuring and execution of various financing operations, capital markets, financial advisory and structured financing to various companies, financial and public institutions. Prior to that, Martim also worked in the Investment Banking areas of Merrill Lynch and Banco Mello de Investimentos. Martim has a degree in Business Management from Universidade Católica and a Masters in Finance from the London Business School.