Portugal Renewable Summit 2019

Speakers and Moderators

Júlia Seixas
Professor at FCT Nova

Professor in the areas of Remote Sensing in Environment, and Energy and Climate Change.


Coordinates the Energy & Climate group at CENSE research center, dedicated to R&D towards carbon neutrality: energy systems integrated modeling, new energy technologies, new policy instruments, sustainable cities, climate vulnerability and adaptation of energy systems.


Member of the Scientific Committee of the UL-UNL Joint PhD Program on Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies.


More than 60 publications in international scientific journals.


Coordinates studies to support the national public policy on climate mitigation for more than 20 years.


Coordinates the Climate-KIC Hub Portugal since 2016.


President of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering since March 2017.

Júlia Seixas presentation at Portugal Renewable Summit 2019

