Annoucement No. 22/2024/1
Publication: 2024-04-15 |
Implementation: 2025-02-02
It announces that the Portuguese Republic has notified its denunciation of the Energy Charter Treaty, adopted in Lisbon on 17 December 1994.
The denunciation of the Treaty by the Portuguese Republic will take effect on 2 February 2025.
Ordinance No. 135/2024/1
Publication: 2024-04-02 |
Implementation: 2024-04-03
First amendment to Ordinance No. 110-A/2023, dated April 24, which regulates the Decree-Law No. 84/202, on national targets for the use of renewable energy in gross final consumption of energy and for the share of energy from renewable sources consumed...
Ordinance No. 109/2024/1
Publication: 2024-03-18 |
Implementation: 2024-03-19
Approves the Regulation of the Business Incentive Scheme "Decarbonisation of Public Transport", inserted in the investment RP-C21-i12 reinforced measure: decarbonisation of public transport, of the Recovery and Resilience Plan.