Directive n.º 21/2023
Publication: 2023-12-15 |
Implementation: 2024-01-01
Tariffs and prices for electricity and other services in 2024.
Order n. 12427/2023
Publication: 2023-12-05 |
Implementation: 2023-12-05
Approves the National Defence Strategy for the Environment, Security and Climate Change. Order no. 149/2020, of 7 January, is hereby revoked.
Declaration of Rectification No. 916/2023
Publication: 2023-12-05 |
Implementation: 2023-12-05
Amends Order no. 11912/2023, published in the Official Gazette, 2nd series, no. 227, of 23 November 2023, which creates a working group called "Working Group for the definition of Renewable Energy Acceleration Areas (GTAER)".
Order n.º 12221-E/2023
Publication: 2023-11-29 |
Implementation: 2023-11-29
Amends point 11.1 of Notice no. 19669/2023, published in the Official Gazette, 2nd series, no. 199, of 13 October 2023 - allocation of financial support to local power generation projects in small biomass plants.
Ordinance n.º 397/2023
Publication: 2023-11-28 |
Implementation: 2023-11-29
Regulates the standard parts for the public tender procedure for the award of concessions for the distribution of low voltage electricity in the Portuguese mainland.
Order n. 12032/2023
Publication: 2023-11-27 |
Implementation: 2023-11-28
Establishes the parameter "K(index i)" of the formula provided for in paragraph 1 of article 2 of Ordinance no. 300/2023, of 4 October.
Order n.º 11912/2023
Publication: 2023-11-23 |
Implementation: 2023-11-24
Creates a working group called the "Working Group for the Definition of Renewable Energy Acceleration Areas (GTAER)"
Decree-Law n. 104/2023
Publication: 2023-11-17 |
Implementation: 2023-11-18
Changes the financing model of the social tariff.
Decreto-Lei n.º 105/2023
Publication: 2023-11-17 |
Implementation: 2023-11-18
It overhauls the procedures for applications for the installation and operation of new biomass recovery plants.
Ordinance n. 328-B/2023
Publication: 2023-10-30 |
Implementation: 2023-10-31
Second amendment to the Specific Regulation of the Innovation and Digital Transition Thematic Area.