
Ordinance No. 355-B/2024/1
Publication: 2024-12-27 | Implementation: 2025-01-01
Revises and sets the unit rates of tax on petroleum and energy products.
Notice no. 29230-E/2024/2
Publication: 2024-12-27 | Implementation: 2024-12-27
Public consultation on the development and investment plan for the national electricity transmission network, for the period 2025-2034 (PDIRT-E 2024). ERSE carries out the public consultation on the PDIRT-E 2024 proposal, between January 6 and February...
Order No. 15185-C/2024
Publication: 2024-12-27 | Implementation: 2024-01-01
Approves the Regulation for the Attribution of Compensation to Municipalities provided for in article 4-B of Decree-Law No. 30-A/2022, dated April 18, amended by Decree-Law No. 72/2022, dated October 19. This order is retroactive to 1 January 2024.
Decree-Law No. 114-A/2024
Publication: 2024-12-26 | Implementation: 2024-12-27
Proceeds to the extinction, by merger, of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of the Environment. Takes effect on 1 January 2025.
Order No. 15011-A/2024
Publication: 2024-12-19 | Implementation: 2024-12-20
Amends Order No. 2062-A/2024, of 21 February, which approves the budget of the Environmental Fund for the year 2024.
Directive No. 12/2024 - ERSE
Publication: 2024-12-16 | Implementation: 2024-12-17
Tariffs and prices for electricity and other services in 2025. It takes effect from 1 January 2025.
Directive No. 21/2024
Publication: 2024-12-11 | Implementation: 2024-12-12
Approves the standards for the general indicators provided for in articles 98, 99 and 100 of the Regulation on Quality of Service for the electricity and gas sectors (RQS).
Ordinance No. 320/2024/1
Publication: 2024-12-09 | Implementation: 2024-12-10
Establishes the amount and method of collection of the fees due to the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology for the acts provided for in Decree-Law No. 30/2021, of 7 May, pursuant to article 76 of that law and paragraphs 2 and 4 of article 61 of...
Decree-Law No. 101/2024
Publication: 2024-12-04 | Implementation: 2024-11-27
Makes the second amendment to Decree-Law No. 12/2020, of 6 April, which establishes the legal framework for European greenhouse gas emission allowance trading applicable to stationary installations, transposing Directive (EU) 2023/959. Promulgated on...
Decree-Law No. 99/2024
Publication: 2024-12-03 | Implementation: 2024-12-04
Amends the regulatory framework applicable to renewable energies.