
Notice No. 22023/2022
Publication: 2022-11-18 | Implementation: 2022-11-18
Submits to the public consultation the draft ordinance that proceeds to the delimitation of the Free Technological Zone of renewable energies of origin or oceanic location off Viana do Castelo.
Rectification Declaration No. 29/2022
Publication: 2022-11-15 | Implementation: 2022-11-15
Amends the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 82/2022, dated September 27, ensuring preventive measures to address the current situation and possible future outages, always with a view to ensuring the security of energy supply.
Ordinance No. 781/2022
Publication: 2022-11-14 | Implementation: 2022-11-15
It authorizes the Environmental Fund to effect the burden-sharing for Notice No. 6/2019 of the defunct Innovation Support Fund, for the allocation of financial incentives to projects in the area of waste recovery in the context of the energy transition.
Ordinance No. 785/2022
Publication: 2022-11-14 | Implementation: 2022-11-15
Authorizes the Environmental Fund to apportion charges for the Green Pipeline Project.
Ordinance No. 268-A/2022
Publication: 2022-11-07 | Implementation: 2022-11-07
Review and setting of oil and energy tax rate figures. This ordinance enters into force on November 7, 2022 and takes effect until December 4, 2022.
Rectification Declaration no. 6/2022/A
Publication: 2022-11-04 | Implementation: 2022-11-04
Rectifies the Regional Regulatory Decree no. 17/2022/A, of September 8, which regulates the allocation of financial incentives for the purchase and installation of solar photovoltaic systems to be installed in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, under...
Ordinance No. 267/2022
Publication: 2022-11-03 | Implementation: 2022-11-04
Establishes the instructional elements for production license and operating license applications for biomass power plants and revokes Ministerial Ordinance 76/2021, of April 1.
Rectification Declaration No. 903-A/2022
Publication: 2022-10-26 | Implementation: 2022-10-26
Amends the Dispatch No. 12230/2022, dated October 19, which approves the Regulation of the 2nd Phase of Extraordinary and Exceptional Support to Domestic Consumers Beneficiary of Social Tariff of Electric Energy or Minimum Social Benefits in the...
Dispatch no. 12461/2022
Publication: 2022-10-25 | Implementation: 2023-01-01
Establishes the social tariff for the supply of electricity, applicable as of January 1, 2023.
Dispatch no. 25/2022, DGEG
Publication: 2022-10-21 | Implementation: 2022-10-21
Update of the cogeneration reference tariffs for the 4th quarter of 2022.