
Directive No. 13-A/2022, ERSE
Publication: 2022-06-21 | Implementation: 2022-06-22
Approves the implementation of the exceptional mechanism for adjusting electricity production costs.
Dispatch No. 15/2022 | Technical Rules and Procedures, DGEG
Publication: 2022-06-02 | Implementation: 2022-06-03
Defines the technical rules and procedures for the correct design and conduct of inspections applicable to collective electrical installations with associated self-consumption production units (PUSC).
Regional Legislative Decree no. 12/2022/A, of May 25
Publication: 2022-05-25 | Implementation: 2022-05-26
Allocation of financial incentives for the acquisition of solar photovoltaic systems to be installed in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, under the Recovery and Resilience Plan, known as Solenerge.
Dispatch no. 13/2022, from DGEG
Publication: 2022-05-25 | Implementation: 2022-05-26
Maintaining the exercise of the profession by responsible technicians and inspectors of private-service electrical installations.
Order of May 20, 2022, from the Secretary of State for Environment and Energy
Publication: 2022-05-20 | Implementation: 2022-05-21
On the need to ensure equal treatment with regard to the deadline extensions granted to all projects for the installation of renewable energy power plants.
Dispatch no. 6287/2022, May 19
Publication: 2022-05-19 | Implementation: 2022-06-01
Defines the parameter corresponding to the impact of extra-market measures and events registered within the European Union on average electricity wholesale market prices in Portugal, to be applied between April 1st and June 30th 2022
Directive no. 12/2022, ERSE
Publication: 2022-05-19 | Implementation: 2022-05-20
Approves the general conditions for contracts for grid use for self-consumption through the RESP.
Dispatch no. 6227/2022
Publication: 2022-05-18 | Implementation: 2022-05-19
Approves the Regulation for the Qualification System of Energy Service Companies
Decree-Law No. 33/2022
Publication: 2022-05-14 | Implementation: 2022-05-15
Establishes an exceptional and temporary mechanism for adjusting the costs of electricity production within the Iberian Electricity Market. In force untikl May 31, 2023.
Directive No. 11/2022, ERSE
Publication: 2022-05-14 | Implementation: 2022-05-16
Approves the declarative obligations under the cost adjustment mechanism in the Iberian Electricity Market.