
APA/DGEG joint dispatch
Publication: 2022-03-15 | Implementation: 2022-03-15
Applicability of the Environmental Impact Assessment legal regime to small production units using solar energy as their primary source
Ordinance No. 112/2022
Publication: 2022-03-14 | Implementation: 2022-03-15
regulates the Statute of the Electrontensive Consumers
Dispatch Nr. 3143-B/2022
Publication: 2022-03-14 | Implementation: 2022-03-14
Dispatch No. 3143-B/2022, 14th March, Approves the Budget of the Environmental Fund for the year 2022.
Rectification Declaration Nr. 11-A/2022
Publication: 2022-03-14 | Implementation: 2022-03-14
Rectification Declaration No. 11-A/2022, 14th March, Alters the Decree-Law No. 15/2022, from 14th January, establishing the organization and functioning of the National Electric System, transposing the Directive (UE) 2019/944 and the Directive (UE)...
Rectification of the Dispatch | Private Service Lines (5/DG/2022)
Publication: 2022-03-11 | Implementation: 2022-03-12
Rectification of the Dispatch 5/DG/2022, on the definition of specific procedures for licensing interconnection infrastructure, of private service, initially published on 22/02/2022.
Pego Auction | Minutes and Report
Publication: 2022-03-11 | Implementation: 2022-03-11
Minutes and Revised Preliminary Report of the competitive procedure for The Allocation of Injection Capacity Reserve in the Public Service Electrical Network.
Dispatch Nr. 2798/2022
Publication: 2022-03-04 | Implementation: 2022-03-04
Dispatch No. 2798/2022, 4th March, Makes the third amendment to the regulation on the allocation of incentives of the 2nd phase of the “More Sustainable Buildings Support Programme”.
Directive No. 7/2022
Publication: 2022-02-28 | Implementation: 2022-03-01
Approves the procedures for reporting the prices of commercial offers and the average prices billed on the electric mobility grid.
Dispatch | Floating Solar Auction
Publication: 2022-02-28 | Implementation: 2022-02-28
Rectification of Table 4, on page 68, of the Procedure Program for the Floating Solar Auction. (See "minutes and preliminary report of 11.03).
Directive ERSE No. 6/2022
Publication: 2022-02-25 | Implementation: 2022-02-26
Approves the update of the injection point registration.