
Despacho SEANE, de 19 de janeiro
Publication: 2022-01-20 | Implementation: 2022-01-21
Dispatch of the Deputy Secretary of State and Energy, of January 19, which extends the deadlines of the Solar Auctions 2019 and 2020.
Dispatch DGEG No. 3/2022, de 14 de janeiro
Publication: 2022-01-14 | Implementation: 2022-01-14
On the opening of facilities to the public and maintenance of suspension of new licensing applications.
Decree-Law No. 15/2022 (introduction)
Publication: 2022-01-14 | Implementation: 2022-01-15
It establishes the organization and functioning of the National Electrical System, transposing the Directive (UE) 2019/944 e a Directive (UE) 2018/2001. (Diário da República n.º 10/2022, Série I de 2022-01-14)
Dispatch DGEG No. 2/2022
Publication: 2022-01-12 | Implementation: 2022-01-13
On the extension of the transitional period for the adoption of the electronic platform for issuing and managing Guarantees of Origin.
Diretiva n.º 1/2022 ERSE
Publication: 2022-01-07 | Implementation: 2022-01-08
It approves the consumption, production and self-consumption profiles applicable in 2022.
Diretiva n.º 2/2022 ERSE
Publication: 2022-01-07 | Implementation: 2022-01-01
It approves the parameters for the 2022-2025 regulatory period and tariffs of the Electric Mobility Network Management Entity for 2022.
Diretiva n.º 3/2022 ERSE
Publication: 2022-01-07 | Implementation: 2022-01-01
It approves tariffs and prices for electricity and other services in 2022 and parameters for the 2022-2025 regulatory period.
Law no. 98/2021
Publication: 2021-12-31 | Implementation: 2022-02-01
Climate Basis Law
Ordinance No. 325-A/2021
Publication: 2021-12-29 | Implementation: 2021-12-30
Approves the Regulation for the Incentive System "Decarbonization of Industry".
Ordinance No. 315/2021
Publication: 2021-12-23 | Implementation: 2022-01-01
Suspends the updating of the rate of the addition on CO2 emissions until March 31, 2022.