
Dispatch No. 9974/2021
Publication: 2021-10-14 | Implementation: 2021-10-15
Determining the final compensation to be applied for the year 2020 per unit of energy injected into the public service electricity grid
Dispatch No. 9975/2021
Publication: 2021-10-14 | Implementation: 2021-10-01
Defines the parameter corresponding to the impact of out-of-market measures and events recorded within the European Union on the formation of average electricity prices on the wholesale market in Portugal, to be applied between 1 October and 31 December...
APA/DGEG joint dispatch
Publication: 2021-10-07 | Implementation: 2021-10-07
Applicability of the EIA legal regime to power generation centers having solar energy as its primary source and located in areas artificialized.
Ordinance 203/2021
Publication: 2021-09-28 | Implementation: 2021-09-29
Establishes a measure to aid indirect costs in favor of installations covered by the European Emission Trading Scheme (EU-ETS), under the terms of Decree-Law No. 12/2020, of 6 April.
Directive 15/2021
Publication: 2021-09-28 | Implementation: 2021-10-01
Updates the electricity sector's energy tariff.
Dispatch No. 9241-C/2021
Publication: 2021-09-17 | Implementation: 2021-09-17
Determines the opening of the competitive procedure for allocation of injection capacity reserve in the Public Service Electricity Grid of electricity produced exclusively from renewable energy source(s) in an electro-producing center with or without...
Dispatch No. 25/DG/2021
Publication: 2021-09-16 | Implementation: 2021-09-16
Indicates changes to the previous registration of installations producing electricity from renewable energy sources up to 1 MW and intended for the total sale of energy to the grid.
ERSE Announcement
Publication: 2021-09-15 | Implementation: 2021-09-15
Update of the price of the energy tariff applied in the regulated market for the electricity sector.
Dispatch (extract) No. 9067/2021
Publication: 2021-09-13 | Implementation: 2021-09-14
It amends Dispatch No. 6476-B/2021 which approves the selection criteria and methodologies applicable to the processes for verifying the quality of information produced under the Energy Certification System for Buildings (SCE)
Dispatch No. 9241-B/2021
Publication: 2021-09-13 | Implementation: 2021-09-14
Determines that REN - Rede Eléctrica Nacional, SA, as global manager of the national electricity system (SEN), implement a pilot model for the dynamic management of the national electricity transmission network (RNT) at the injection point currently...