
Regional Legislative Decree No. 16/2021/M
Publication: 2021-07-27 | Implementation: 2021-07-28
It establishes the discipline applicable to additional power and additional energy, over-equipment and over-equipment energy of wind power generating centers whose electricity is remunerated by a guaranteed remuneration regime.
Despacho da DGEG n.º 17/2021, de 23 de julho
Publication: 2021-07-23 | Implementation: 2021-07-01
Despacho da DGEG n.º 17/2021, de 23 de julho, que atualiza o valor da tarifa de referência para instalações de cogeração para o 3.º trimestre de 2021.
Order (Deputy Secretary of State for Energy)
Publication: 2021-07-21 | Implementation: 2021-07-22
It extends the deadlines for the implementation of the power generation centers resulting from the 2020 auction.
Directive No. 13/2021 (ERSE)
Publication: 2021-07-19 | Implementation: 2021-07-20
It approves the new registration of Physical Units in “Douro Superior” and “Douro Superior (Pumping)” Balance Areas and amends the Procedures Manual for the Global Management of the Electric Sector System (MPGGS).
Directive No. 14/2021 (ERSE)
Publication: 2021-07-19 | Implementation: 2021-07-19
It approves the entities authorized to integrate the marketing diversion unit under the terms of the MPGGS.
Order No. 6560-B/2021
Publication: 2021-07-05 | Implementation: 2021-07-05
Establishes the transaction rules of the guarantees of origin of electricity production from renewable sources, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 8 of article 9 of Decree-Law no. 60/2020, of 17 August.
Order No. 6546/2021
Publication: 2021-07-05 | Implementation: 2021-07-05
It approves the assessment criteria related to energy policy objectives and instruments and revokes Order No. 3739/2016.
Order No. 15/DG/2021 (DGEG)
Publication: 2021-07-02 | Implementation: 2021-07-02
It clarifies which documents are admissible as “proof of the right to use the space for the installation of the power plant”, within the scope of the procedure for attributing production licenses.
Order No. 16/DG/2021 (DGEG)
Publication: 2021-07-02 | Implementation: 2021-07-02
Extends the administrative deadlines of the UPP, provided for in paragraph 1 of article 27-B of Decree-Law No. 172/2019, of August 23, in its current wording, due to the epidemiological situation caused by COVID- 19.
Order No. 6476-D/2021
Publication: 2021-07-01 | Implementation: 2021-07-01
It approves the requirements for the elaboration of the Building Energy Performance Improvement Plan (PDEE)