
Order No. 5380/2021
Publication: 2021-05-28 | Implementation: 2021-05-29
On financial support for tariffs for access to electric mobility networks
DGEG Clarification
Publication: 2021-05-24 | Implementation: 2021-05-24
Energy Valuation in Experimental Regime, applicable to all installations with fixed tariff
Order No. 5172/2021
Publication: 2021-05-21 | Implementation: 2021-05-21
It creates the Coordination Group for the Long-Term Strategy for Building Renovation (ELPRE)
Promoter's Guide (hydrogen)
Publication: 2021-05-19 | Implementation: 2021-05-19
Legislation and regulation for the Hydrogen Economy
Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic No. 143/2021
Publication: 2021-05-18 | Implementation: 2021-04-15
It recommends to the Government the adoption and reinforcement of measures to combat energy poverty
Directive No. 9/2021
Publication: 2021-05-12 | Implementation: 2021-06-12
It approves the Procedures Manual for the Global Technical Management of the National Gas System and revokes Directives No. 18/2016, of October 27, and No. 20/2016, of December 20, and Annex II of Directive No. 14/2020
Regulation No. 407/2021
Publication: 2021-05-12 | Implementation: 2021-05-13
It approves the Regulation on Access to Grids, Infrastructure and Interconnections in the Gas Sector and revokes Regulation No. 435/2016, of May
Regulation No. 373/2021
Publication: 2021-05-05 | Implementation: 2021-05-06
It approves the Regulation on Self-Consumption of Electric Energy and revokes Regulation No. 266/2020, of March 2020
Decree-Law No. 29-B/2021
Publication: 2021-05-04 | Implementation: 2021-05-04
Establishes the governance model for European funds allocated to Portugal through the Recovery and Resilience Plan
Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 46-B/2021
Publication: 2021-05-04 | Implementation: 2021-05-05
Creates the Mission Structure “Recover Portugal”, within the scope of Decree-Law no. 29-B/2021, which provides for an entity responsible for the technical coordination and management of the RRP