January 2017
The year of 2017 started with a reduction in the availability of wind and hydro resources, which led to a low hydro producibility monthly index (0.36) and a slightly below average wind index (0.92).
February 2017
February was characterized by an increase in the wind and hydro resources, when compared to January.
March 2017
The first quarter of 2017 was characterized by low precipitation levels and an average wind resource, which contributed to a hydroelectric producibility index of 0.64 and a wind index of 1.0
April 2017
The past April was characterized by high temperatures and low rainfall, comparing to the historical average for April.
May 2017
The past May was characterized by hot temperatures and regular rainfall, comparing to the historical average for this period of the year
June 2017
In the first half of 2017 the renewable electricity sources (RES) accounted for 46.9 % (12,992 GWh) of the Portuguese electricity production.
July 2017
In the first 7 months of the year, because of the situation of severe drought that the country is crossing, the hydro availability was very low which contributed to a significant fossil production share – 55.1 %, one of the highest shares of the last...
August 2017
In the first eight months of 2017 the renewable electricity production in the Portuguese Electricity System significantly reduced 32 %, when compared to the previous period of last year.
September 2017
Nos primeiros nove meses de 2017, a diminuição da produção de eletricidade renovável fez disparar o preço de mercado da eletricidade que se cifrou em 50,4 €/MWh, em contraste com o preço homólogo de 2016 que foi de 39,4 €/MWh.
October 2017
Until the end of October 2017, the share of renewable electricity production in Mainland Portugal was 41.7%. By comparing this value with previous years, it is highlighted that the renewable generation (RES-E) has not reached such a low level since 2012....