Others Publications

Quick Energy Consumption Estimates - July 2021
Authors: DGEG
Published: August 2021
Theme: Outlooks
Type: National
Liberalized Electricity Market Bulletin - July 2021
Authors: ERSE
Published: August 2021
Theme: Outlooks
Type: National
Mibel Daily Bulletins _ August 2021 (page 1)
Authors: ERSE_
Published: August 2021
Theme: Electricity
Type: National
Mibel Daily Bulletins _ July 2021 (page 1)
Authors: ERSE
Published: August 2021
Theme: Electricity
Type: National
Energy Technology Perspectives_2020 (pags 1_30)
Authors: IEA
Published: August 2021
Theme: Outlooks
Type: International
Upgrading GOs to promote the achievement of the EU renewable energy target at least cost
Authors: FSR
Published: August 2021
Theme: Energy
Type: International
The journey to net zero
Authors: FSR
Published: August 2021
Theme: Energy
Type: International
Smart metering interoperability issues and solutions
Authors: FSR
Published: August 2021
Theme: Energy
Type: International
Job Potential Study 2021 - Public
Authors: Europe On
Published: August 2021
Theme: Outlooks
Type: International
Quick Stats - Fossil Fuels - June 2021
Authors: DGEG
Published: August 2021
Theme: Statistics
Type: National