Others Publications

Dossier de Imprensa - Tarifas e Preços para a Energia Elétrica em 2020
Authors: ERSE
Published: December 2019
Theme: Electricity, Energy
Type: National
Resumo informativo - Comparação Preços EUROSTAT
Authors: ERSE
Published: December 2019
Theme: Electricity
Type: National
Cogeração em Portugal - Boletim semestral | 1.º semestre de 2019
Authors: COGEN Portugal
Published: December 2019
Theme: Electricity, Energy
Type: National
Combustíveis Fósseis - Estatísticas Rápidas (setembro de 2019)
Authors: DGEG
Published: December 2019
Theme: Statistics, Fossil
Type: National
Renováveis - Estatísticas Rápidas (setembro de 2019)
Authors: DGEG
Published: December 2019
Theme: Statistics, Renewables
Type: National
10 Trends Reshaping Climate and Energy
Authors: Comissão Europeia
Published: December 2019
Theme: Environment, Energy
Type: International
Advanced biofuels - what holds them back?
Authors: IRENA
Published: December 2019
Theme: Energy
Type: International
Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage
Authors: Comissão Europeia
Published: December 2019
Theme: Environment
Type: International
The European Environment — State and Outlook 2020
Authors: European Environment Agency
Published: December 2019
Theme: Environment, Outlooks
Type: International
The World Nuclear Waste Report 2019
Authors: Renewable Energy Agency
Published: November 2019
Theme: Energy
Type: International