Others Publications

Proposta de Tarifas e Preços para a Energia Elétrica em 2020 - Dossier de Imprensa
Authors: ERSE
Published: October 2019
Theme: Electricity, Energy
Type: National
Combustíveis Fósseis - Estatísticas Rápidas (julho de 2019)
Authors: DGEG
Published: October 2019
Theme: Statistics, Fossil
Type: National
The POTEnCIA Central scenario
Authors: Comissão Europeia
Published: October 2019
Theme: Energy
Type: International
Renováveis - Estatísticas Rápidas (julho de 2019)
Authors: DGEG
Published: October 2019
Theme: Statistics, Renewables
Type: National
Climate, Energy and Mobility
Authors: Comissão Europeia
Published: September 2019
Theme: Environment, Energy
Type: International
Einvest - The power sector investment challenge
Authors: Eurelectric
Published: September 2019
Theme: Electricity, Energy
Type: International
Hydrogen - A renewable energy perpective
Authors: IRENA
Published: September 2019
Theme: Energy, Renewables
Type: International
Special Eurobarometer - Europeans attitudes on EU energy policy
Authors: Comissão Europeia
Published: September 2019
Theme: Energy
Type: International
PVP4Grid - newsletter
Authors: PVP4Grid
Published: September 2019
Theme: Energy, Renewables
Type: International
Combustíveis Fósseis - Estatísticas Rápidas (junho de 2019)
Authors: DGEG
Published: September 2019
Theme: Statistics, Fossil
Type: National