Others Publications

A New World - The Geopolitics of the Energy Transformation
Authors: IRENA
Published: January 2019
Theme: Energy
Type: International
Dossier de Imprensa - ERSE aprovou propostas sobre concessões de distribuição de eletricidade em baixa tensão previstas na Lei n.º 31/2017
Authors: ERSE
Published: January 2019
Theme: Electricity, Energy
Type: National
Renewable Energy: A Gender Pespective
Authors: IRENA
Published: January 2019
Theme: Energy, Renewables
Type: International
Where does change start if the future is already decided?
Authors: EY; Eurelectric
Published: January 2019
Theme: Energy
Type: International
Liberalização do Mercado Elétrico - Mudança de Comercializador
Authors: ERSE
Published: January 2019
Theme: Electricity, Energy
Type: National
Hydrogen Roadmap Europe
Authors: FCH
Published: January 2019
Theme: Energy
Type: International
Relatório da Comissão ao Parlamento Europeu, ao Conselho, ao Comité Económico e Social Europeu e ao Comité das Regiões - Preços e custos da energia na Europa
Authors: Comissão Europeia
Published: January 2019
Theme: Electricity, Energy
Type: International
Renováveis - Estatísticas Rápidas (outubro de 2018)
Authors: DGEG
Published: January 2019
Theme: Energy, Statistics, Renewables
Type: National
Energy, transport and environment indicators - 2018 edition
Published: January 2019
Theme: Environment, Energy
Type: International
Mercado de Eletricidade - Síntese Anual
Authors: REN
Published: January 2019
Theme: Electricity, Energy
Type: National