Others Publications

EU Energy in Figures - Statistical Pocketbook 2018
Authors: Comissão Europeia
Published: October 2018
Theme: Energy
Type: International
IPCC 1.5 Global Warming Report
Authors: IPCC
Published: October 2018
Theme: Environment
Type: International
Novel Carbon Capture Utilisation Technologies
Authors: Comissão Europeia
Published: October 2018
Theme: Environment, Fossil
Type: International
Breaking new ground - Wind Energy and the Electrification of Europe’s Energy System
Authors: Wind Europe
Published: September 2018
Theme: Electricity, Energy, Renewables
Type: International
Relatório da Qualidade de Serviço Técnica do Setor do Gás Natural
Authors: ERSE
Published: September 2018
Theme: Environment, Energy
Type: National
Informação Semanal - Semana 39
Authors: REN
Published: September 2018
Theme: Electricity, Energy
Type: National
Mapping the Potential of Portugal for the Bio-Based Industry
Authors: Bio-Based Industries Consortium
Published: September 2018
Theme: Environment
Type: International
Our Planet our Future
Authors: Comissão Europeia
Published: September 2018
Theme: Environment, Energy
Type: International
Boletim Commodities
Authors: ERSE
Published: September 2018
Theme: Electricity, Energy, Fossil
Type: National
Hydrogen from Renewable Power
Authors: IRENA
Published: September 2018
Theme: Energy, Renewables
Type: International