APREN launches study on renewable electricity in Portugal

APREN recently launched a study on "Renewable Electricity in the Portuguese Energy System 2015-2050". Developed by CENSE - Center for Sustainability and Environmental Research of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Nova University, this publication presents different scenarios of decarbonization of the electroproducer system until 2050.
What are the costs / benefits of a transformation for a high-proportion renewable energy generating system, and what is the optimal technological profile of such an electroproducer system, are some of the issues addressed, which may also be of interest to policy makers and investors.
The study seeks to identify energy services demand solutions at the lowest possible cost, holistically approaching the Portuguese energy system, since it includes the sectors of transport, industry and electricity in its analysis.
For the electricity sector, a broad set of indicators is calculated to illustrate the value of renewable electricity production for the Portuguese energy system, namely: its impact on the overall cost of the electricity system; savings / reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and avoided costs with the purchase of CO2 licenses at auction; impact on the trade balance of energy products and the degree of energy dependence.
To consult the study, click here.
To consult the presentation of Patricia Fortes (one of the authors of the study) at the APREN 2017 Conference (in Portuguese), click here.