APREN and Innoenergy organize online training on battery storage

APREN and InnoEnergy present the second edition of a 100% online training, dedicated to battery storage, starting on July 06 and ending on July 13.
"Energy transition - battery storage" course
There is a shift towards a cleaner economy as the effects of climate change are getting more prominent. The well-established centralised, large-scale power generation is now facing new challenges with the shift to decentralisation and flexible consumption. Additionally, power systems are required to be increasingly flexible due to the growing penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources and increased variability in electricity use. Critical to the success of this transition is battery storage.
But getting ahead of the curve in this fast-evolving space means addressing certain challenges:
- How do existing and upcoming legislative frameworks affect this field?
- What are the different services and value streams that battery storage can offer?
- How do you master the technical dimensions?
- What does it take to position yourself and your organisation at the forefront of change and drive positive impact for the Portuguese and European economies?
This expert-led online training is expertly designed for APREN members and associates, but it’s also available to other companies and the general public (like renewable energy producers, utility companies, service providers, consultancy companies in renewable energy, EPCs, grid operators and official entities in the Portuguese energy system). It empowers you with deep understanding of the role and potential of batteries, battery usage in the urban setting, value streams and emerging opportunities that align with Portuguese legislative framework.
Specifically, participants will discover how to:
- Identify the needs for flexibility demand in the EU electricity industry, the need for energy storage and list some storage alternatives
- Articulate the services, drivers, barriers, suited technologies, and technical characteristics for behind-the-meter and grid-scale application of batteries
- List customer benefits of home behind-the-meter applications of energy storage systems.
- Identify main advantages and disadvantages of energy storage systems at grid and home level
- Develop an understanding on the key considerations for investments in energy storage projects at utility scale and behind-the-meter
- Understand what the European Battery Alliance is and what triggered its creation
- Understand how the new legislative framework enables battery storage deployment
- Understand the implications of the new legislative framework for your business regarding the upcoming energy auctions
- Identify how utilities and IPPs can use batteries to build a stronger business case
- Comprehend concepts and specifications connected to battery storage deployment
- Understand the services and value streams that can be accessed with battery storage integration at grid level and behind-the-meter
- See the opportunities that emerge in the field of battery energy storage and how to implement new business models at utility scale
- Apply your knowledge to create a compelling business case for your organisation and new innovative business models in battery storage with a positive impact on Portuguese economy
- Lead change within your business and secure a future roadmap for sustained competitive edge
- This training starts with a short preparatory online course that introduces you to the core dimensions and business relevance of battery storage
Specifically, the online course will focus on:
- The need for energy storage and storage alternatives
- EU flexibility demand and the role of battery storage
- Design, production and technologies for energy storage systems
- Behind-the-meter application of batteries and customer benefits
- Grid-scale application of batteries and services
- Investing in battery storage at grid level
- A real-world case study on the use of batteries in Gotland island
The training path continues with a series of dynamic virtual training activities that bring everything together. During these participants will deeply explore the benefits of battery storage and how the new Portuguese legislative framework enables the deployment of batteries. They will further analyse the business relevance and opportunities that the application of battery storage can bring and how a given storage system can perform multiple functions, creating different revenue streams to your advantage.
Finally, they will analyse a real-world case, through the interactive case teaching method, featuring a company operating in the electricity sector, aggregating energy from users’ battery-based back-up systems to provide grid balancing services. Through this case and interaction with expert faculty they will be able to identify and exercise the main needed steps and decisions that will empower them to help their organisations to achieve a flexible business model in this exciting, emerging market.
Prior to the case teaching and respective classes, they will receive relevant reading materials that are necessary to complete the training, along with some suggested optional reading materials.
To consult the program and detailed content about the training, access the InnoEnergy website, here.
Registrations are limited to 40 people! The registration fees are as follows:
• APREN members: 492 € (400 € + VAT)
• General public: € 676.50 (€ 550 + VAT)
To proceed with your registration, fill out the form available here.
For clarification of doubts, please contact APREN Communication Dep. by the email: comunicacao@apren.pt.